Art in the City adventure around Buffalo sparks creativity for teens, tweens
Coming up with fun school break activities for teen or preteen kids can be challenging, especially if you want to do something different than the usual go-tos like arcades, trampoline parks or mall shopping. During midwinter break, I took two creative and curious suburban 15-year-olds on an Art in the City adventure, and perhaps it...

The Inaugural Hertel Alley Street Art Festival
Street artist Vinny Alejandro Last summer, street artist Vinny Alejandro reached out to me, to talk about the lack of legit places in Buffalo to paint large pieces. He told me that he had been traveling from city to city, and the street art scenes were exploding. He had just returned from Rochester, a city...

You’re Going Where? Buffalo
Yes, it gets some snow. Okay, a lot of it. But the newly hot city in Upstate New York — full of sports enthusiasts, restaurateurs and makers — knows exactly what to do with itself in any kind of weather. Maybe your most recent image of Buffalo comes from last December, when the Bills looked like they...

9 New Street Art Masterpieces You’ve Gotta Check Out
Western New York’s public art scene is thriving thanks to enthusiastic local artists, generous donations, and an excited community – and we are here for it. With so many amazing murals popping up all over town we created this guide to serve as your Instagram bucket list. Go forth and snap!

3 New Murals Brighten Buffalo’s Streets
The Albright-Knox Art Gallery continues its colorful public art initiative with the addition of three recent works. Hertel Avenue’s business district became brighter — and more imaginative — with an acrylic and spray paint mural by artists and longtime friends Chuck Tingley and Matthew Grote. The mural, titled “Weego,” spans the west wall of the Lloyd Taco...

Neighborhood Murals Around Buffalo
Neighborhoods across the city are embracing murals as a way to reclaim their identities and advertise themselves as bastions of a unique culture. From the University Heights to Larkinville, new murals are taking the place of street signs or historical markers and speaking to the renewed vitality some of Buffalo’s oldest neighborhoods.

Trio of Murals to Kick Off Buffalo’s Summer of Public Art
It’s not just magnolias and cherry trees that are finally blossoming in this delayed-onset Buffalo spring. Public art is blooming, too, and the first bright buds of a summerlong profusion of art are set to emerge this month with the commencement of three high-profile mural projects on Hertel Avenue and the East Side. As part...

Hertel Walls – A Different Type of Mural Approach
Hertel Avenue has scored another mural, thanks to the combined artistic approach of illustrator Mario Zucca and Zoom Copy. In case you’re wondering, this is not your standard mural application. Instead of having the work painted on the side of the building, the idea was to have it printed and applied. “A while back, I talked to Ikram Massabini...

9 Incredible Buffalo Murals To See Around The City
Public art is having a major moment in Buffalo these days, thanks largely in part to the Albright-Knox and their public art initiatives. The next time you’re taking a stroll through the city, be sure to look around for murals both old and new. If you’re not sure where to find them, read along for...

New Public Public Art Project Turns Joe’s Deli Hertel Location Into A Work of Art
Joe’s Deli Hertel location got a facelift this Summer as a colorful mural was painted that surrounds the building. Bunnie Reiss’s “Magic Buffalo” mural, was influenced by, “… her Polish and Russian heritage—especially Poland’s brightly colored folk art and the magical worlds of Russian fairytales — as well as her interest in unseen histories and...